Cystitis in Women.Understanding, Causes, Treatment Options

Cystitis is inflammation of the bladder, primarily affecting women. This condition comes with unpleasant symptoms such as lower abdominal burning and frequent urges to urinate, which may not always subside after using the restroom. The chronic nature of the disease manifests in temporary improvements and exacerbations, often linked to exposure to cold or weather changes. While cystitis can affect men, their risks are significantly lower(I wrote about this here). Treatment for cystitis involves basic therapy and medications targeting symptom relief to stabilize overall well-being. Herbal remedies are increasingly recommended due to their safety and, when used correctly, effectiveness.

Causes of Cystitis in Women:

Anatomical differences in the female urethra make women more susceptible to cystitis. Their shorter and more direct urinary tract increases the risk of infection. Inflammation is triggered by microorganisms suppressing local immunity and infecting healthy tissues. Factors such as exposure to cold, stress, and vitamin deficiencies can weaken the body's defenses. The risk of cystitis significantly increases in older women with hormonal imbalances, post-treatment for urinary system diseases, during pregnancy, among those with frequent changes in sexual partners, using spermicides and unlubricated condoms, and leading a sedentary lifestyle, having diabetes, or experiencing unsuccessful catheterization.

Symptoms of Cystitis:

Symptoms vary depending on the form and type of the disease.

1. Primary Form: Independent and linked to urodynamics disorders, resulting in changes in urine color, increased frequency of urination, pain, burning, and occasional fever.

2. Secondary Form: Results from existing internal diseases, often occurring with stones, neoplasms, or inflammation in the bladder. Accompanied by pain, urinary problems, a slight increase in body temperature, and general discomfort.

Types of Cystitis:

The disease is classified based on the cause and pathogen.

1. Fungal Cystitis: Caused by the proliferation of fungi, usually Candida species. Infection can occur after catheterization, orally, or through the digestive tract.

2. Bacterial Cystitis: Uncomplicated infection affecting the bladder walls, caused by various bacteria. Often triggered by Ureaplasma.

3. Viral Cystitis: Caused by herpes simplex viruses 1 and 2, cytomegalovirus, or HPV.

4. Non-bacterial Cystitis: Develops due to various reasons, including endocrine disorders, injuries, parasitic invasions, or exposure to chemicals.

5. Allergic Cystitis: Arises as an immune response to irritants like substances, materials, or foods. Characterized by increased eosinophils in the blood.

6. Drug-Induced Cystitis: Develops as a result of taking certain pharmaceuticals, especially antibiotics, hormonal drugs, or contraceptives.

7. Toxic Cystitis: Occurs due to systemic toxic exposure, such as ethanol poisoning, chemical substances, or radiation.

8. Chemical Cystitis: Develops when the bladder is exposed to different chemical substances like medications or intimate hygiene products.

9. Radiation Cystitis: Appears as a consequence of chemical radiation. Common among patients treated for ovarian, cervical, or prostate cancer.

Herbal Therapy for Cystitis:

The goal of herbal therapy in this program is to eliminate infection, relieve symptoms, and normalize bladder function. The selection of herbal remedies is made by a doctor, considering the severity of the disease and its characteristics to ensure effective and safe treatment. While folk medicine offers various options, it is recommended to choose the composition under the supervision of a specialist.

Among the herbs effective for cystitis are:

1. Chamomile.

2. Shepherd's purse.

3. Corn silk.

4. Yarrow.

5. Cowberry.

Popular methods of using these herbs include teas and infusions, for which precise component ratios are recommended. Plants can be purchased at a pharmacy or used in ready-made herbal preparations based on a doctor's recommendations.


Cystitis is a significant urinary system disorder, primarily affecting women. Herbal therapy provides natural support for cystitis treatment, utilizing the anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile, shepherd's purse, corn silk, yarrow, and cowberry. Their use requires a doctor's consultation to select optimal remedies and consider individual characteristics. Remember the importance of maintaining overall health, a proper lifestyle, and preventive measures for effective treatment and urinary system recovery. Wishing you and your loved ones good health


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