Pyelonephritis. Causes. Symptoms. What to do.
Let's talk about pyelonephritis, which, unfortunately, is the most common inflammatory kidney disease. This condition occurs when harmful microbes find their way into our kidneys through the bloodstream or urinary tract. Sources of these unpleasant microbes can be various infection foci, such as dental problems characterized by caries or advanced diseases of the upper respiratory organs, such as rhinitis and tonsillitis. Beware also of abdominal diseases and infections of the genital organs – they too can serve as 'suppliers' of microbes for our precious kidneys.
I will tell you about how our urinary system is structured and why it is so important to take care of our kidneys.
So, the urinary system is a real command center, consisting of two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder, and a urethra through which urine leaves the body. The kidneys, these incredible filters, are located in the retroperitoneal space, next to the 12th thoracic and 3rd lumbar vertebrae. They weigh from 100 to 200 grams, have a length of up to 12 cm, and a width of 6 cm.
Each kidney has its "gates" through which blood vessels enter and from which lymphatic vessels and ureters exit. An important structural unit of the kidney is the nephron, of which we have more than 2 million. It is in the nephrons that the filtration of plasma and the formation of urine occur. The kidneys purify about 1200 ml of blood per minute - JUST IMAGINE THE WORK THAT IS TAKING PLACE! They ensure the stability of the internal environment, regulate blood composition, maintain blood pressure, and participate in blood formation.
The kidneys are very sensitive to changes in the body. Stress, excesses, dental problems, untreated upper respiratory infections, infections, and chilling – all of this can affect their function. This is where problems can start, including pyelonephritis – inflammation of the kidneys.
Symptoms of pyelonephritis can be diverse, but they are often masked by common cold symptoms. Severe weakness, sweating, chills, lower back pain, and painful urination are signals of potential kidney problems. However, the trickery lies in the fact that symptoms may not be so obvious, and back pain is often attributed to osteochondrosis.
Here begins a true cascade of factors that precede the development of pyelonephritis. Vitamin deficiency, exposure to cold, excessive fatigue, stress, influenza, and other health problems can all act as a sort of "green light" for pyelonephritis.
It is crucial to remember that anything hindering urine flow contributes to pyelonephritis. For example, developmental anomalies of the urinary system, the presence of kidney stones, prostate adenoma in men, as well as tumors of the uterus and appendages in women, all create a favorable environment for inflammation.
Pyelonephritis is like an internal rebellion in our body, especially when it comes to our precious kidneys. Let's figure out how to handle this challenge correctly.
Firstly, if you suspect acute pyelonephritis, it's better to consult a doctor. Treatment in a hospital under the supervision of specialists is the gold standard. After discharge, continue antibiotic therapy, following the doctor's recommendations and regularly taking tests to confirm the results.
The second crucial step is proper nutrition. Adequate hydration, juices, cranberry juice, acidophilus, kefir, and mineral water are your reliable friends. Remember that kidneys favor products like carrots, sweet peppers, sea buckthorn, greens, pumpkin, and other gifts of nature. Avoid canned foods, smoked products, fried meat, and excessive salt.
After recovering from acute pyelonephritis, regular visits to the doctor and undergoing tests are not just a formality. This is a key moment in preventing the transition of the disease to a chronic form.
Finally, do not forget about the help of traditional medicine – herbal therapy, leech therapy, and reflexology. They can become true allies in the fight against pyelonephritis.
When it comes to inflammatory processes in the kidneys, it is important to support not only the organs themselves but also other systems of the body. For this purpose, we offer some herbal recipes that contribute to recovery.
1. Combined mixture for general impact:
- Willow (bark) — 4 parts
- Hops (flowers) — 4 parts
- Elecampane (root) — 6 parts
- Bilberry (leaves) — 6 parts
- ALTEA (root) — 6 parts
- Motherwort (herb) — 5 parts
- Rue (herb) — 5 parts
Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, infuse for 12 hours, and consume a tablespoon 3-4 times a day after meals for 3 weeks.
2. Mixture to support auxiliary organs:
- Yarrow (herb) — 4 parts
- Flax (seeds) — 2 parts
- Hops (flowers) — 3 parts
- Chicory (herb) — 4 parts
- Coriander (seeds) — 1 part
Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with a glass of boiling water, infuse for 12 hours, and consume half a glass at night.
3. Mixture after subsiding inflammatory processes:
- Stinging Nettle (leaves) — 4 parts
- Perforated St. John's Wort (herb) — 5 parts
- Coltsfoot (leaves) — 6 parts
- Yarrow (flowers) — 5 parts
Take a tablespoon of the mixture to a glass of boiling water, infuse for 12 hours, and drink half a glass 2 times a day after meals for 20-25 days.
4. Recipe for treating pyelonephritis (especially in children):
- Tagetes "caps" (yellow flowers) — 50 g
- Corn silk — 200 g
- May honey — 600 g
- Water — 1.5 L
Boil tagetes and corn silk in 1.5 L of water for 10 minutes. Add honey, mix thoroughly, and boil again. Remove from heat, strain, and cool. Take 20-40 g 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day until complete recovery.
Adhering to a diet and a comprehensive approach to treatment play a key role in combating chronic pyelonephritis. It is important to remember that these recipes are only a general set of recommendations, and before starting treatment, it is always worth consulting with a phytotherapist.
1. Diet for chronic pyelonephritis:
- Forbidden: spicy and salty dishes, sauerkraut, meat, fish, and mushroom broths, onions, peppers, mustard.
- Limit: coffee, cauliflower, radish, spinach, green salad, celery, legumes.
- Allowed: lean meats, dairy products, cereals, white cabbage, carrots, turnips, cucumbers, zucchini, watermelons, fresh vegetables and fruits, confectionery (except chocolate).
- Food is prepared without salt or with a minimal amount.
2. Changing herbal compositions:
- Herbal compositions should be changed every month of treatment.
- When compiling herbal mixtures, take into account the patient's diseases and the peculiarities of the disease course.
3. Hirudotherapy:
- Leeches play a crucial role in the treatment of chronic pyelonephritis.
- The effects of hirudotherapy include eliminating edema, restoring microcirculation, enhancing drug transport, improving kidney function, and other favorable changes.
- Blood saturation with leech saliva contributes to obtaining a natural complex of biologically active substances.
4. Tips:
- Get a urine analysis at least once a year.
- Practice walking and outdoor activities.
- Keep your feet warm.
- Maintain a proper balance between work and rest, avoiding heavy physical exertion.
Remember that every step towards recovery is a crucial step towards a full and active life. Take care of yourself and stay healthy!