Liver Problem. Symptoms and Treatment Methods Using Bioresonance, Herbal Naturopathy, and Hirudotherapy

The liver is one of the most important organs in our body, performing functions such as detoxification, protein synthesis, and production of biochemical substances necessary for digestion. Liver problems can seriously affect overall health, so it is important to know the main signs of liver diseases and methods of their treatment.

Symptoms of Liver Problems

1. Fatigue and Weakness : Persistent feelings of fatigue and weakness can be an early sign of liver problems.

2. Jaundice : Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice) is one of the most obvious signs of liver disease, caused by the accumulation of bilirubin in the blood.

3. Pain and Discomfort in the Right Upper Quadrant of the Abdomen : Pain or a feeling of heaviness in this area can indicate liver problems.

4. Pain in the Right Shoulder : Sometimes pain in the right shoulder can be related to liver problems due to irritation of the phrenic nerve, which passes near the liver.

5. Digestive Issues : Nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite can be signs of liver dysfunction.

6. Changes in Urine and Stool Color : Dark urine and light-colored stools can indicate liver problems.

7. Swelling : Swelling of the legs can occur due to fluid accumulation in the body in cases of liver diseases.

8. Skin Problems : Itching, rashes, and spider angiomas on the skin can be associated with liver issues.

9. Itching of the palms and soles : This may indicate the accumulation of toxins in the body due to impaired liver function.

10. “Beer belly" : An increase in abdominal volume without a corresponding increase in body weight can be a sign of fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity (ascites), which is often associated with liver diseases.

Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment method based on the use of electromagnetic waves to restore the body's health. This method assumes that all cells of the body emit certain frequencies that can be altered in diseases. Bioresonance therapy includes:

1. Diagnosis : Using special equipment to determine the frequency characteristics of organs and systems, identifying deviations from the norm.

2. Therapy : Using electromagnetic waves to restore normal frequency characteristics of liver cells, which helps improve its functions.

3. Checking Compatibility of Medications : Bioresonance therapy can help check the compatibility of medications, minerals, vitamins, and supplements prescribed by a doctor with the patient's body. This helps to determine which ones are truly necessary and which may cause excessive toxicity, complicating the liver's function in cleansing the body.

The advantages of bioresonance therapy include its painlessness, lack of side effects, and personalized approach.

Herbal Naturopathy

Herbal naturopathy uses natural remedies to support liver health and treat its diseases. Some of the most effective herbs for liver treatment include:

1. Milk Thistle : Contains silymarin, which helps protect liver cells from damage and promotes their regeneration.

2. Turmeric : Possesses anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, improving liver function and aiding in detoxification.

3. Dandelion Root : Stimulates bile production, improving digestion and liver function.

4. Artichoke : Contains cynarin, which improves bile flow and protects liver cells.

Consultation with a doctor or a qualified naturopath is recommended for the use of herbs in liver treatment, as improper use can lead to undesirable consequences.


Hirudotherapy is a treatment method using medicinal leeches, which can be beneficial for liver problems. Leeches secrete substances that help thin the blood, improve microcirculation, and reduce inflammatory processes. The main advantages of hirudotherapy include:

1. Detoxification : Leeches help remove toxins from the body, which positively affects liver function.

2. Improvement of Blood Flow : Active substances from leeches improve liver blood supply and reduce congestion.

3. Anti-Inflammatory Effect : Hirudin and other enzymes from leeches have pronounced anti-inflammatory properties, helping to reduce liver inflammation.

The use of hirudotherapy should be conducted under the supervision of a qualified specialist to avoid complications and adverse reactions.


Liver problems require careful attention and timely treatment. Early detection of liver disease symptoms and the use of bioresonance, herbal naturopathy, and hirudotherapy can be useful additions to traditional treatment methods.


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