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Hemorrhoids: Understanding, Causes, and Alternative Treatment Methods

Hemorrhoids affect 35% of residents in economically developed regions and rank among the leading proctological conditions. This pathology has been known since ancient times, with descriptions found in the medical works of Greeks, Egyptians, Hindus, and other peoples. The name of the disease comes from two Greek words: "haema" and "rheos," meaning "blood" and "flow," respectively. The term was first used by Hippocrates when describing bleeding from the anus.

It is a common condition, although many of us prefer not to talk about it. This is due to venous expansion in the area of ​​the rectum and anus, which can lead to unpleasant symptoms and discomfort, including pain. Instead of remaining silent, let's openly address this issue and consider alternative treatment methods that can help alleviate symptoms and improve quality of life.

What is Hemorrhoids:

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins in the rectum and anus become inflamed or enlarged. This can cause bleeding, itching, painful nodules, and discomfort when sitting or defecating.

Major Causes of Hemorrhoids:

1. Constipation: Difficulty with defecation can increase pressure in the rectum, contributing to the development of hemorrhoids.

2. Sedentary Lifestyle: Insufficient physical activity can slow down blood flow and contribute to the onset of hemorrhoids.

3. Heavy Physical Labor: Lifting heavy objects always involves additional stress on the muscles of the abdominal wall, increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity and intensifying blood flow.

4. Unhealthy Diet: Snacking on the go, fast food, fatty high-calorie foods, and products rich in simple carbohydrates. Low consumption of fiber and dietary fiber disrupts digestion, slows down the evacuation of food bolus. Plus, many people tend to overeat, gain extra weight.

5. Pregnancy: Increased pressure in the pelvic area during pregnancy can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids in women.

6. Genetics: Genetic predisposition to hemorrhoids is associated with features of the structure of vascular walls, intestines, and digestive characteristics.

Signs indicating hemorrhoids include:

- Pain, discomfort in the anal area

- Painful defecation

- Fresh blood on feces

- Feeling of a foreign body in the rectum

- Itching in the perineum

Alternative Treatment Methods:

1. Hirudotherapy:

Principle : Using medical leeches to improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation.

Action : Due to the establishment of blood flow, stagnant blood exits the hemorrhoidal nodes, and the secretion of leech saliva relieves inflammation.

2.Herbal Treatment:

Principle : Using plants with anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

Action : Herbs such as plantain, calendula, and lavender can help reduce inflammation and discomfort in the area of ​​hemorrhoids.

3. Lifestyle Correction:

Regular Physical Activity : Walks, stretching exercises, and aerobic exercises can help improve blood circulation and prevent constipation.

Diet : Increasing the consumption of dietary fiber and establishing a proper drinking regime with clean water, as well as avoiding spicy and fried foods, reduce the risk of hemorrhoids. Eliminate industrially processed foods from the diet.


Hemorrhoids can be unpleasant and even painful, but there are alternative treatment methods that can help alleviate and eliminate symptoms, improving the quality of life. While surgical methods, such as excision of hemorrhoidal nodes, carry side effects and often result in the return of symptoms, hirudotherapy, herbal treatment, and lifestyle correction are all effective approaches to consider in the fight against hemorrhoids. Do not hesitate to discuss your problems. It is possible to recover from this ailment through the joint participation of the patient and the practitioner. Take responsibility for your health.

Wishing you and your loved ones good health!