Restoring Health After COVID-19: The Role of Hirudotherapy

Recovering from COVID-19 involves addressing potential complications that can significantly impact your health. Among these complications are the formation of blood clots in the pulmonary vessels and the susceptibility to bacterial infections. Prolonged illness can also weaken the immune system, posing challenges to treatment, especially for those with chronic conditions.

One of the most relevant methods for health recovery after about of the coronavirus is Hirudotherapy. This treatment is considered highly effective and is administered under the guidance of a qualified specialist, even during the active phase of the disease. The saliva of leeches contains enzymes that thin the blood, prevent clot formation, and possess antimicrobial properties. When conducted under the supervision of a hirudotherapist and in the absence of contraindications, this treatment is highly recommended.

How does the placement of leeches aid in the recovery process? 

Hirudotherapy, known since ancient times, remains popular today. The enzymes present in the saliva of these organisms cannot be synthesized due to the rapid breakdown of active substances. The placement of leeches supports the immune system, positively affecting blood circulation, and contributes to overall health, particularly in the recovery from COVID-19. Before sessions, patients undergo consultations and, if necessary, examinations.

Procedures involving leeches have beneficial effects on health:

1. Reflexive impact on active points:  Leeches stimulate nerve endings, improving blood flow to organs.


2. Blood and lymph renewal:  Blood and lymph are refreshed during bloodletting, favorably impacting the entire body. This process aids in toxin elimination and improves tissue nourishment.


3. Beneficial enzymes in leech saliva:  The enzymes aid in post-infection recovery by dissolving clots, dilating blood vessels, and enhancing peripheral blood circulation.

Impact on Immunity:

Hirudotherapy is recommended for restoring the body's defense mechanisms due to its positive influence on the immune system:

- Lymph renewal, containing cells and antibodies to combat bacteria and viruses.


- Blood renewal, providing strength for complete recovery after acute illness.


- Leech saliva contains the bacterium Aeromonas hydrophila, which destroys pathogenic microbes and improves metabolism.

Hirudotherapy proves effective when completing a full course of treatment. Improvement typically occurs within a few days, with restored energy and mood. Full rehabilitation occurs after a comprehensive therapy course under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Crucially, leech placement significantly reduces the risk of clot formation, a potential cause of severe complications. This treatment is recommended, especially for individuals at risk of thrombosis.

 Rehabilitation After COVID-19:

Effective recovery after COVID-19 requires targeted intervention in the blood, where an abundance of cytokines may be present. These substances, produced by the immune system to neutralize microbes and their toxins, should ideally decrease post-recovery. However, this doesn't always happen, leading to a condition known as "cytokine storm," where the immune system attacks the body's own cells, including the liver, lungs, and even the nervous system.

Hirudotherapy during rehabilitation helps regulate the qualitative state of the blood, reducing the manifestations of the cytokine storm. During the initial weeks of recovery, strict adherence recommendations and not missing procedures is crucial.

When is Hirudotherapy recommended?

- Fatigue and weakness.

- Shortness of breath at rest or with minimal exertion.

- Impaired concentration and attention.

- Problems with the sense of smell.

- Insomnia.

- Subfebrile temperature.

- Decreased libido and many others...



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